Sheldon wrote:
> wrote:
> > Neuropathy & Diabetes, My foot pain is gone!
> >
> > For over a year I've suffered with pain in my one foot that has had
> > this big ol' bad biker on the verge of tears! Pain that I can only
> > describe as like a red hot icepick being stuck into various places in
> > my foot and ankle! MANY sleepless nights.
> > My Doctor gave me Neurontin
> > with 'NO' effect 'cept to make me 'rummy'...
> I seriously doubt any doctor would prescribe this drug before doing a
> workup, including blood tests. I don't think 1-2 ramen seasoning
> packets a day would alone cause so severe an effect, you must have some
> underlying medical problem.
He stated that he has diabetic neuropathy. I believe Neurontin is the
drug of choice for treating that condition.
For what it's worth, I've been taking Neurontin for at least five
years. If they start with a small dose and work it up to a level that
helps with the symptoms, the "rummy" effect is much less.