It's bad if its overcooked by 30 seconds (overcooked turns to jello and
starts to smell like hell), and it's laughed at until you've had
reconstituted dried cod that hasn't been "luded"; that stuff makes lutefisk
quite pleasant by comparison.
Think three months of living off dried codfish and barley and barley beer
and maybe turnips and water and butter with the house always smelling like
dead fish, stale beer, flatulence, and unwashed humans - without lutefisk to
break the monotony -
(oh, wait - that was our college-bachelor house.)
Here, lutefisk is properly cooked, covered, by simmering gently in water
with a bit of white-wine and a couple peppercorns, on a rack in the pan,
under a 750 cfm hood on high of course just in case you aren't quick enough
to stop the cooking, simmered until the lutefisk JUST flakes with a fork and
before it turns soft - immediately drained, drained well on the rack, and
served with melted butter.
No white sauce, nutmeg white sauce, or other wimpy coverings.
A slice of gammelost with a beer after the lutefisk finishes off a gourmet
Beats the hell out of haggis, blood kishka, peppered lard on rye,
chitterlings and sour greens, kim-chee, that Vietnamese fish sauce,
deep-fried duck, raw liver, or seal stuffed with birds stuffed with eggs and
buried for two months.
Hmmm.. thinking about all that other stuff I had, I suppose I do owe my
stomach an apology for some of what it's been given thru the years. Maybe
I'll make it up to it with a cold big mac and warm beer.
Or was that a warm big mac and a cold beer........
"Shaun aRe" > wrote in message
> And it's all true too.
> Here is some more truth about caustic cod:
> Ya wanna know a way to do this dish from scratch? Well heretisthen:
> Have fun and please all - let me know *how yours came out?
> Shaun aRe - *I said 'how' not 'where'.