(MSG) Neuropathy & Diabetes, My foot pain is gone!
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Mark Thorson
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(MSG) Neuropathy & Diabetes, My foot pain is gone!
> It seems to be the MSG content in the seasoning packages contained in
> those "RAMEN" type noodle soups! I was eating at least one of them a
> day and it was when I doubled the portion that the lightbulb lighted! I
> have since stopped eating them and the pain has all but vanished! I
> mean if at worst it was gauged at 100, my pain is now only at 5, and
> not at all as frequent!
> So there ya are! I hope this helps someone!
> Little Joe
Those packets often contain (in addition to MSG)
the flavor enhancers disodium inosinate and
disodium guanylate. I've had peripheral neuropathy
caused by those chemicals, and that may be happening
in your case.
An easy way to test this question is that many
flavored potato chips (BBQ flavor, etc.) have
these flavor enhancers without also containing MSG.
When my PN was at its worst, it would flare up
just by eating a few of these chips.
Disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate are
often used as MSG substitutes, when manufacturers
wish to avoid declaring MSG on the ingredients list.
They are also used in combination with MSG, because
the combination has more flavor-enhancing punch
than any of the components alone. The combination
also produces a brighter flavor enhancement (don't
know how else to describe it) than simply using
a larger quantity of MSG. Ramen flavoring packets
often use this combination.
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