For beef jerky, ideal/best/favourite cuts?
In article >,
"Pandora" > wrote:
> Bob, you was so kind to answer me that I want ask you another thing, even
> better two: how do you use jerky? Do you reidrate it before cooking? Which
> are the most common dish you make with it?
> Pandora
Jerky is eaten dried, as is, as a very popular snack!!! :-)
It's even sold at gas stations nation wide.
It can be pounded and powdered and used to make Pemmican, or I've known
people to treat it like "chipped beef" and shred it up and serve it in a
cream sauce over toast.
I just eat it as is.
Beef is most common, but I've also used Emu and Venison.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson