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Default For beef jerky, ideal/best/favourite cuts?

Pandora wrote:

> Excuse me for my ignorance. What is Jerky? Is it dry pork meat?
> cheers
> Pandora

Pandora, jerky is dried meat. It can be beef, pork, wild game, poultry,
or fish according to my dehydrator manual. However, most jerky is dried
beef and that is the only kind I have made but with if the guys have any
luck this coming week I hope to make venison jerky. I have my butcher
cut sirloin into thin slices then I cut them in half otherwise the
resulting jerky would be about 4" wide. Then the meat is marinated
anywhere from overnight to 24 hours in marinate of choice. Marinates
can be as simple as using prepared bbq sauce to a variety of homemade
marinates. The meat is then put on the dehydrator and allowed to dry
until dry & flexible not brittle. I store the finished jerky in a zip
loc bag in the meat keeper of the fridge. My kids love jerky so it
never lasts long here.