"zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pandora wrote:
>> Bob, you was so kind to answer me that I want ask you another thing, even
>> better two: how do you use jerky? Do you reidrate it before cooking?
>> Which are the most common dish you make with it?
>> TIA
>> Pandora
> I just eat it as a snack; especially when I am on long hikes and want to
> travel light. I suppose one could make soups and stews with it, but
> usually it is eaten dry and uncooked.
> Most jerky recipes have way too many ingredients, in my opinion. I take
> beef rump roast or round steak (sirloin would also work) and cut it into
> strips. Remove as much fat ans gristle as possible. For each pound of
> prepared meat, I add 1 tsp. (5 ml.) of salt and 1 tsp. of brown sugar, and
> about 1/2 tsp of freshly ground black pepper. If I want it especially
> spicy I'll add a little cayenne pepper. Allow the meat to cure overnight
> in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or covered bowl. Then dry on a
> dehydrator until the texture is almost like leather.
> If the dehydrator has adjustable heat, use a fairly low setting because
> the meat is not supposed to cook.
It seams a good recipe and I think I would like it! It's a pity we don't
have dry meat and domestic dehydrators

Thank you for the answer.
> Best regards,
> Bob