Weeping for joy
Stopped in at the local Asian market yesterday to buy a few ingredients for
tonight's dinner. Couldn't believe the produce prices! Lemons and limes,
11 cents each. Green beans and broccoli, $.79 a pound. Strawberries (yeah,
I know, out of season, but the kids like 'em) $1.50 for a container that is
usually $2.50 at the supermarket. Herbs, ridiculously cheap. Etc, etc,
I don't shop there often, because it is usually so packed. But I realize
that I've been going there on weekends, when I have more time to chop up all
the stuff needed for the dishes we like. Turns out that the place is
practically deserted on weekdays! I'll be going back for our produce, for
sure. (Especially since I forgot the lemongrass).
My two-year-old loved seeing the live crabs and big ol' dead fish, and he
liked the free cookies they set out near the cashier. :-)
Meanwhile, the 5-yr-old decided to try my pork and beef chili last
night....she liked it! I'm thawing some more for her lunch at the moment.
Tonight's dinner: Warm Beef on Cool Noodles from May Pham's Best of
Vietnamese and Thai Cooking. Will post the recipe if it's any good.