In article >,
"Pandora" > wrote:
> "~patches~" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
> > Pandora wrote:
> >
> >> Bob, you was so kind to answer me that I want ask you another thing, even
> >> better two: how do you use jerky? Do you reidrate it before cooking?
> >> Which are the most common dish you make with it?
> >
> > Pandora, jerky is just eaten as a snack as is
It is very good! It is
> > a very convenient snack for hiking & camping as well.
> What about its nutritional value? fat, etc. ?
> Cheers
> Pandora
It's nutritional value is the same as the original sliced beef.
That does not change. It's idea hiking food because it's a protein
source that is light in weight and won't spoil.
You really do need that for hiking. It's also an ideal food storage item
for emergencies.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson