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Default On-line Chat with HeartDoc (11/03/05)

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:

> And so the Creator will judge you by your own chosen measure of judging
> others.

Assuming there is one. I don't discern one, so I'll roll the dice

> Being present is not the same as judging.

Yeah, but constantly pitching your non-LC stuff to LC people is
judgemental. If you can't see that, you are simply mentally
incompetant. I'm judging in saying this, but the preponderance of
evidence leads a casual observer to that conclusion.

> > I'm
> > not saying you have that goofy belief, but it's the scientific
> > equivalent of 2PD-OMER.

> ... in your opinion.

Where are the peer reviewed articles? Where are the double blind
studies? In short, where's the science?
> It remains my choice to let God judge.

If I believed in your cult, I'd pay a reasonable sum of money to be
there for that.

> It remains my choice to keep Jesus as the Lord of my life. For this
> reason, He remains as my Center guiding what I say, do, or write. May
> Lord Jesus continue to receive all the glory that is due Him for what
> folks read here.

Mindless repetition. I know JC had something to say about that. If you
are suggesting that JC talks to you, and urges you to vain, meaningless
repetition, he's got some 'splainin' to do.

> May the light which is Christ Jesus continue to show others the way to
> eternal life.

Vanity oh vanity.

<slop about his chat cut>

LC over JC.

-Hollywood, your servant in Atkins ;-)