Thread: Weeping for joy
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Default Weeping for joy

In article <gw5af.583$Qs3.196@trnddc01>,
"Chris" > wrote:

> Stopped in at the local Asian market yesterday to buy a few ingredients for
> tonight's dinner. Couldn't believe the produce prices! Lemons and limes,
> 11 cents each. Green beans and broccoli, $.79 a pound. Strawberries (yeah,
> I know, out of season, but the kids like 'em) $1.50 for a container that is
> usually $2.50 at the supermarket. Herbs, ridiculously cheap. Etc, etc,
> etc.
> I don't shop there often, because it is usually so packed. But I realize
> that I've been going there on weekends, when I have more time to chop up all
> the stuff needed for the dishes we like. Turns out that the place is
> practically deserted on weekdays! I'll be going back for our produce, for
> sure. (Especially since I forgot the lemongrass).
> My two-year-old loved seeing the live crabs and big ol' dead fish, and he
> liked the free cookies they set out near the cashier. :-)
> Meanwhile, the 5-yr-old decided to try my pork and beef chili last
> night....she liked it! I'm thawing some more for her lunch at the moment.
> Tonight's dinner: Warm Beef on Cool Noodles from May Pham's Best of
> Vietnamese and Thai Cooking. Will post the recipe if it's any good.
> CHris

The asian market is one of my favorite places to shop for all of the
above reasons. ;-)

I can get good stuff for excellent prices, and it's just a lot of fun to
go there, once you get used to the smell. <lol>


"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson