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Default For beef jerky, ideal/best/favourite cuts?

Jim Davis wrote:

> Does anyone but me feel they're getting their chain pulled?

You can dehydrate chains? Just kidding, I think Pandora is being
sincere in her questions especially since she hasn't had jerky before.

> Pandora wrote:
>> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>> In article >,
>>> "Pandora" > wrote:
>>>> Bob, you was so kind to answer me that I want ask you another thing,
>>>> even
>>>> better two: how do you use jerky? Do you reidrate it before cooking?
>>>> Which
>>>> are the most common dish you make with it?
>>>> TIA
>>>> Pandora
>>> Jerky is eaten dried, as is, as a very popular snack!!! :-)
>>> It's even sold at gas stations nation wide.

>> Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Unbelievable! Isn't it too hard?
>>> It can be pounded and powdered and used to make Pemmican, or I've known
>>> people to treat it like "chipped beef" and shred it up and serve it in a
>>> cream sauce over toast.

>>> I just eat it as is.
>>> Beef is most common, but I've also used Emu and Venison.

>>> Cheers!

>> Thank you!!!!
>> Pandora
>>> --
>>> Om.
>>> "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack
>>> Nicholson
