Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:
> (Victor Sack) wrote:
> >This is yet another shameless attempt to lessen, demean and denigrate
> >the high office and the revered, though naked and fallible, person of
> >the Head Trollop and to undermine the Head Trollop's true rights and
> >responsibilities, which, according to the original charter are nearly
> >limitless and only subject to The Cabal's control. The Head Trollop has
> >never been subject to decisions or pronouncements of any parochial
> >Circuits, being subject only to international laws laid down by The
> >Cabal. The Cabal, in turn, is a trans-, extra-, and
> >supra-jurisdictional entity with a grasp that is not only international
> >but universal and extends over every living and non-living subject or
> >object, including little green men and even Barb Schaller, a
> >self-confessed alien. It is, of course, subject to no earthly laws at
> >all, not even to the one resulting from the famous international case of
> >Trollops v. Rotten Vegetables that established the beetroot as the rfc's
> >official vegetable, beetroot kvas (fermented beetroot juice) as its
> >official drink, and Barb's Beety Beauty as its official jelly.
> Okay, Vic, youse have completely crossed da line with da beets. Ain't
> no way dat a self-respectin' Trollop is gonna endorse a <shudder>
> beet. Damned things have the consistency of dense Jello, never mind
> the <blecch> taste.
But they did! In that very famous international case, which was not
even initiated (only supported) by the Cabal (TINC). And, besides, the
blessed things don't have any such consistency if cooked correctly.
> And if youse gotta resort to international and extraterrestial law
> (Antonin Scalia will have youse head on a plate for dis, youse know),
> youse is overreachin', pal.
Scalia and his court of local significance has absolutely no chance
against the cabbalistic Universal Cabal (TINCUC).
> RFC and the Trollops are laws unto
> themselves.
Only as long as The Cabal (TINC) is willing to tolerate them.
> Ain't no steenkin' Cabal/TINCers gonna dictate to no
> Trollops.
But The Cabal (TINC) does!
> Please be talkin' to our lawyers at
> http://www.cochranfirm.com/ and don't be talkin' no more smack to da
> Trollops!
No jurisdiction.
> Dams, you kin have a nekkid moniker if youse want, but ain't no
> steekin' Cabal/TINCers gonna force yer moniker change. <humph>
The law-abiding Head Trollop has returned to the Cabal's (TINC) warm and
inviting fold and donned her historic Dress again.
The Cabal (TINC)