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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
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Default On-line Chat with HeartDoc (11/03/05)

> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > And so the Creator will judge you by your own chosen measure of judging
> > others.

> Assuming there is one.

Not an assumption.

> I don't discern one,

It has already been made clear that you are unable to discern the

> so I'll roll the dice
> there.

Whatever number comes up will be His doing:

Proverbs 16:33

> > Being present is not the same as judging.

> Yeah, but constantly pitching your non-LC stuff to LC people is
> judgemental.

In your opinion.

> If you can't see that, you are simply mentally
> incompetant.

More opinion.

> I'm judging in saying this, but the preponderance of
> evidence leads a casual observer to that conclusion.

Still more opinion.

> > > I'm
> > > not saying you have that goofy belief, but it's the scientific
> > > equivalent of 2PD-OMER.

> >
> > ... in your opinion.

> Where are the peer reviewed articles?

What is obvious to the most casual observer does not require peer

> Where are the double blind
> studies? In short, where's the science?

A scientist would know why there can never be a double-blind study
regarding the efficacy of the 2PD-OMER Approach.

> > It remains my choice to let God judge.

> If I believed in your cult, I'd pay a reasonable sum of money to be
> there for that.

God is not my cult.

> > It remains my choice to keep Jesus as the Lord of my life. For this
> > reason, He remains as my Center guiding what I say, do, or write. May
> > Lord Jesus continue to receive all the glory that is due Him for what
> > folks read here.

> Mindless repetition.

This has not been repeated.

> I know JC had something to say about that.

Without God, there can be no knowledge.

> If you
> are suggesting that JC talks to you, and urges you to vain, meaningless
> repetition, he's got some 'splainin' to do.

You will have to make up your mind about what you believe.

> > May the light which is Christ Jesus continue to show others the way to
> > eternal life.

> Vanity oh vanity.

It seems you confuse God righteousness with self righteousness.

In the continued interest of bringing this thread back on-topic...

**All** participants of USENET are cordially invited to the following
on-line event that will take place **this** evening (11/03) from 6-7 pm
Eastern Standard Time in Paradise:

There will also likely be other invited guest experts participating to
field medical, diabetes, nutrition, diet, cooking questions (including
Bob and Gary if they are able to overcome their fear of the light that
is Christ Jesus).

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for
how God has reshaped me:

In Christ's love and service forevermore,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-Certified Cardiologist

Suggested Reading: