Nancy Young wrote:
> "~patches~" > wrote
>>Pepperoni sticks is another thing Pandora may not have come across. I'm
>>referring to the pepparoni sticks like *Slim Jims* and the smaller ones
>>many small butcher shops & farmer's markets carry.
> Funny, I never would have put pepperoni and slim jims in the
> same category. Pepperoni sticks are about an inch across, you
> slice it an put it on pizza or serve with cheese and crackers, slim jims
> you just eat out of hand, are nothing like pepperoni. Maybe a 1/2
> inch across, tops. All beef, no pork. Slim Jim - jerky.
> Pepperoni - sausage.
> nancy
Maybe I have the Slim Jim name wrong but the things I'm referring to are
pepperoni sticks. I'll check for some names next time I'm at a variety
store. The larger packaged ones are called pepperoni sticks and some
farmer's markets call the small pepperoni sticks pepperettes but they
are the sizes I referred to. You are right that they are more of a
sausage than jerky but they are still a snack meat.
Here's a couple of links similar to what I'm talking about
prepackaged -
prepackaged made with beef -
pepperettes/min pepperoni sticks -
These are usually sold unpackaged & you can buy as many as you want