Thread: Good Topic
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Wayne Boatwright
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Default Good Topic

On Thu 03 Nov 2005 10:38:00a, Andy wrote in

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Thu 03 Nov 2005 09:36:32a, Andy wrote in
>>> Joyce Marble wrote:
>>>> My late husband and my oldest daughter love cooking and all the
>>>> utencils and appliances that go with it.
>>>> jm
>>> At first Mom couldn't cook.
>>> Pop bought Mom 1957 & 1959 volumes of Gourmet cookbooks.
>>> Mom becomes a gourmet cook.
>>> Soon, Pop starts having heart attacks.
>>> Pop goes on weight watchers for years. We suffer.
>>> Andy
>>> Keeper of Mom's kitchen collection

>> I can't help but smile at this.
>> As the daughter of an affluent family of the old South, my mother was
>> never even allowed in the kitchen. They had a cook. While my
>> grandmother was a very competent cook, she didn't cook. My mother
>> never learned while at home.
>> When my parents married in 1937, my mom literally couldn't make
>> Jell-O. My dad sent her to a cooking school in Seattle where they had
>> moved. Her meals became legend.
>> My dad passed away from the effects of arterial blockage, but it took
>> years. He was 81 years old.

> Wayne,
> That's remarkable. Our Mom's were so similar I'd say! I can't help but
> smile either!
> Great!!!
> Andy

That's neat, Andy!

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

A chicken in every pot is a *LOT* of chicken!