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Jessica V.
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Default The Pancake Batter Bowl!??

Pyrex and Fire-King rule the pancake world. My mom uses a 2 quart
pyrex measuring cup for pancakes.

Going for too much info pyrex primary color nesting bowls, the most
common set is largest to smallest, yellow, green, red, blue, but some
sets were in a different color configuration. Likewise refrigerator
dishes matched. Then there were sets that were all the same color,
Flamingo Pink, yellow, blue & red; I've never seen green but that
doesn't mean they aren't out there. In the 60s and 70s the colors
changed to the popular colors and more pieces were decorated with other
motifs as well. Pyrex also made "Cinderella" nesting bowls with handy
tab handles that doubled as pouring spouts, again with matching
refrigerator dishes in sets of 4.

Fire-King/Anchor Hocking was more popular because it was less expensive
that Pyrex. I have some old adverts for Fire-King's Jade-ite
dinnerware, service for four 19 cents. Delphite (blue) wasn't as
popluar as Jade-ite, less popular was pink. Some nesting bowl sets
were decorated with kichen utensils, polka-dots, tulips, fruits, the
list goes on. Fire -King certainly produced more pieces that Pyrex one
could match spice jars, mixing bowls, grease jars, cookie jars, table
ware, serving pieces, custard cups et cetera in most Fire-King lines.
