Jean Sue,
My first will be out May of 2006, so you won't find me yet. But thanks
for looking!
I write the Gray Whale Inn mystery series; the first book is called
Murder on the Rocks, which my publisher tells me will actually be for
sale next summer. The second, which will be out in 2007, is called
Dead and Berried. (Punny, I know. Working on blueberry recipes now, of
course...) I should have a web site up in the next month or two (God
and my children willing).
In the meantime, I'm enjoying the lutefisk and old breast threads and
cruising for recipes. I may be begging you guys for permission to use
them in the back of my books! (Kitchen disasters always welcome, too.

Karen MacInerney
Kitchen experimenter, family chauffeur and culinary mystery author (who
hopefully will one day have a web site)
Oh -- and Ian -- thanks for the clarification on mint romaine.
Although I don't know what Cos is, either. (Puts on dunce cap.)