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sarah bennett
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Default The Pancake Batter Bowl!??

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Thu 03 Nov 2005 12:10:36p, Andy wrote in
>>Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>On Thu 03 Nov 2005 11:29:00a, Andy wrote in
>>>>Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>On Thu 03 Nov 2005 10:32:11a, Andy wrote in
>>>>>>Growing up, Pop would make Sunday pancakes in this specific bowl:
>>>>>>It predates me into the mid 50's.
>>>>>>We'd watch him make the batter, standing there watching his every
>>>>>>move, listening to his lecture about the finer points of pan prep,
>>>>>>pancake bubbles, testing, flipping, etc.
>>>>>>But it was that bowl that we waited for on Sundays. We'd loiter
>>>>>>sleepy- eyed around the kitchen waiting for him to open the cabinet
>>>>>>and bring it out. Then any shred of sleepiness vanished.
>>>>>>Did everyone have a magic pancake batter bowl they worshipped as we
>>>>>>did? I don't even remember if we were allowed to touch it.
>>>>>>The ceremony and fanfare was so wonderful. Pop turning glop into
>>>>>This was ours, originally purchased in the 1940s...
>>>>That's the same company!!!!
>>>>Geez... Wayne, you have a long lost cuzin Andy in the family??? I'm
>>>>checkin' the family records on this end for a long lost cuzin Wayne!
>>>LOL! That's quite a coincidence. If you didn't know, the green was
>>>called "Jadite". Actually, back in the decades prior to the 1970s,
>>>Fire King / Anchor Hocking, was at least as popular if not more so
>>>than Pyrex.

They discontinued them eventually at the store I bought my pie pan at,
but for a while you could get anchor hocking stuff in that color within
the last few years. I love how it sets off key lime pie nicely

>>>In todays market, I really prefer the Fire King measuring cups over
>>>Pyrex. I don't like the open handles on the Pyrex cups. Fire King
>>>has the old closed loop style.

>>If it weren't for the "Good Topic" thread by JM, I'd never thought about
>>it but it rattled some marbles.
>>I pulled out the bowl and looked at the bottom stamp and found a website
>>about it.

> Andy, pull up eBay and search for "Fire King". You'll be amazed at all the
> pieces of every description that are available.

one of my favorite pieces of ovenware is a small fire-king casserole i
bought at the salvation army. I use it for roasted potatoes, mostly.

it looks like this: cmdZViewItem



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