Thread: Soup from stock
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Default Soup from stock

LurfysMa wrote:

> I have a couple more questions about chicken stock and chicken soup.
> 1. About how many cups of soup can (should) be made from 1 cup of
> stock? The online recipes vary wildly, but it seems that a rough rule
> of thumb might be something like 1 cup of water for 1 cup of stock. Is
> that a reasonakle place to start and then adjust to taste and feel?

Not a lot but it depends on what you put with it. The Creamy Greens
Soup I made last night called for 3 1/4 c of chicken stock. I used 4 c
because I opened 2 - 500 ml jars of homecanned chicken stock and knew I
wouldn't have use for 3/4 c of leftover stock within the next day or
two. The final soup was enough for 6 servings of one large ladle full
as shown in the pic. I think it is always reasonable to adjust to taste
and feel. I have yet to find a recipe that I follow to the letter.
Cooking is about being creative
> 2. What is the advantage of making the stock first and then making the
> soup as opposed to making the soup directly? One advantage is time and
> the ability to do them at different times. But if I have the time to
> do it all at once, is there any reason to do it in two steps

For me I make up large batches of stock then pressure can them so they
are ready to use as I need. I make stock from chicken, turkey, beef,
pork, fish, as well as vegetable only stock. Stock is not just for
soups or stews either. I routinely cook rice in stock, simmer veggies
in stock, use in mashed potatoes, and use to enhance sauces or deglaze
fry pans. Another reason to do the stock first is to take advantage of
the bones that might otherwise get tossed. Roasted bones in particular
result in a richer stock, IME. There is no reason to do the stock and
soup in two steps. I have certainly made soup from start to finish the
same day as I will today. Our neighbour brought me a duck last night so
I'm making duck stock along with duck soup.