Karen MacInerney wrote:
> Jean Sue,
> My first will be out May of 2006, so you won't find me yet. But thanks
> for looking! 
> I write the Gray Whale Inn mystery series; the first book is called
> Murder on the Rocks, which my publisher tells me will actually be for
> sale next summer. The second, which will be out in 2007, is called
> Dead and Berried. (Punny, I know. Working on blueberry recipes now, of
> course...) I should have a web site up in the next month or two (God
> and my children willing).
> In the meantime, I'm enjoying the lutefisk and old breast threads and
> cruising for recipes. I may be begging you guys for permission to use
> them in the back of my books! (Kitchen disasters always welcome, too.
> Karen MacInerney
> Kitchen experimenter, family chauffeur and culinary mystery author (who
> hopefully will one day have a web site)
> Oh -- and Ian -- thanks for the clarification on mint romaine.
> Although I don't know what Cos is, either. (Puts on dunce cap.)
Are you going to use Maine or Michigan blueberries? We find they make a
From the titles, I'll guess the books are set Down East???