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Wayne Boatwright
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Default Doctored off the shelf

On Fri 04 Nov 2005 01:10:00p, jmcquown wrote in

> Roberta wrote:
>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 3 Nov 2005 13:45:07 -0600, "jmcquown"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> sarah bennett wrote:
>>>>>> boxed macaroni and cheese + frozen peas and a can of tuna.
>>>>> Mac & cheese (box or otherwise) with canned tuna?! I'm sorry,
>>>>> that's
>>> just
>>>>> not right.
>>>> Lots of people eat that. I'm not one of them, but I'd be willing to
>>>> bet that Crash would happily eat a bowl of it.
>>> In the Midwest it can even be a basis of sorts for a tuna - noodle
>>> casserole...

>> Cooked tuna (out of the can)is terrible to me....I can't stand the
>> smell, let alone the taste :P I do like blackened Yellow Fin Tuna,
>> but only fresh fresh....I have eaten it at resturaunts on the East
>> coast (in FL and GA) and it was good - ordered it even slightly inland
>> and find it is TERRIBLE!! (I am NOT a huge fan of fish of any kind -
>> it has to be really fresh because if it's old at all it has the fishy
>> taste :P)
>> Roberta (in VA)

> Even my cat won't eat canned tuna! When she first came around I had to
> pill her to make sure she didn't have heartworms; the vet said tuck it
> in some canned (water packed) tuna. I bought the regular Starkist. She
> turned her nose up. I bought the more expensive Albacore stuff... she
> looked at me like I was a madwoman. After that, I learned how to
> pill a cat.
> I'm not a fan of seared tuna steaks, either. Guess I just don't like
> tuna!
> Jill

I make the occasional can of albacore into tuna salad to eat as
sandwiches. I have cooked fresh tuna only once and that was on the grill.
The recipe called for pressing a mixture of crack peppercorns, fresh lemon
zest, and a chiffonade of fresh mint leaves into the surface before
grilling. Just before hitting the heat, brushed with olive oil. It was
pretty tasty.

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974