First bread attempt with homemade SourDough starter
I have been working on my starter for weeks. I trashed two beginning
starters because I thought they were bad (looking back they were not; I just
had the mixture too wet). Anyway, I grind my own hard white wheat and my
starters are made up of that and water. Nite before last, I mixed a batter
using a regular bread recipe that calls for yeast.
BUT, I used my homemade starter instead of the yeast in the recipe. I did
feed the starter well all day before I mixed the batter. Once mixed, I put
the batter(bread) in the refrigerator immediately and it sat in there for
about 36 hours. I took it out today and let it sit in the warm oven for 5
or 6 hours and low and behold, it doubled in size! I could not believe the
it rose since it had been kept cold and had not been handled like most of
the sourdought recipes that I have found. This is a good thing for me since
I can mix one night and not have to rise the bread until I get time and
don't have to keep 'feeding' the batter every few hours just to get it to
Finally, I feel encouraged. And I feel like that I am at least reducing the
phytates down to some extent even though the battter is not warm for the
entire bread making process.