Thread: Soup from stock
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Default Soup from stock

"LurfysMa" > wrote in message
>I have a couple more questions about chicken stock and chicken soup.
> 1. About how many cups of soup can (should) be made from 1 cup of
> stock? The online recipes vary wildly, but it seems that a rough rule
> of thumb might be something like 1 cup of water for 1 cup of stock. Is
> that a reasonakle place to start and then adjust to taste and feel?
> 2. What is the advantage of making the stock first and then making the
> soup as opposed to making the soup directly? One advantage is time and
> the ability to do them at different times. But if I have the time to
> do it all at once, is there any reason to do it in two steps?
> --
> For email, use

I like strongly flavored foods, so I never add water to stock unless it's
been reduced drastically.
When I do make stock, I usually use half for soup at the time I make it, and
put the other half away for other uses. Some a freeze, but if I'll be using
it (which is most often the case) in the next few days, I also stash some in
the fridge.
