Thread: Weeping for joy
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Default Weeping for joy

> A lot depends on the ethno-pop density. I've been to Mexican
> supermarkets out in CA's Central Valley that have great beef
> selections. One, in Visalia, had gorgeous cuts of skirt steak on sale
> for the insanely cheap price of $1.79lb! I can't even find skirt
> steak around here, anymore (SFBA).


Can I take a guess it's RN Market on Lovers Lane? (Yes, the road is
actually called Lovers Lane.) If not, which market? Just curious.

If you're out this way often, let me know, and I'll tell you some of my
secret places to get the best fresh-from-the-oven bread, the best road
side fruit stands, etc. Oh yah, and the farmstead dairy that makes
some of the best white cheddar in the world. I buy it direct from
their little sales trailer. (I don't mean to offend any Brits out
there, but it is some of the best in the world.)

