Thread: Apples
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Default Apples

Bob (this one) wrote:

>> fresh apples rot, dehys have a shelf life of virtually forever.

> Apples kept in cold houses last from one growing season to the next.
> Farm families kept theirs over winter that way. Still do.

S****** has no clue as to how people store food in rural areas. Root
veggies, squashes, ruttabeger, and apples are routinely stored from one
growing season to the next. Perhaps he should familiarize himself with
*cold storage* as in *root cellars*. We are not fortunate enough to
have a root cellar because of the high water table. DH built an
insulated cold closet in the garage to store these types of produce.

>> Most commercial food products containing apples use dehys (granulated
>> dehy apple is a biggie)... do yoose really think apples are only
>> used during apple harvest time... and it's cheaper to dehy than
>> refrigerate...

> And more labor intensive, more energy intensive and more is lost to
> processing. Apples are a cheap commodity, and other countries can
> dehydrate them a lot more efficiently and cheaply than we can.
> Dehydrated apples can only be used where the bite is more about the
> pastry than the apples. Rehydrated apples don't eat like fresh-cooked.

I can't comment on commercial dehydrated apples other than those in some
trail mixes. They are eaten in the dehydrated form. I routinely
dehydrate apple slices for snacking & floating in hot apple cider. I
can tell you they really don't rehydrate all that well. They certainly
would make a very decent apple pie!

>> and which do you think requires less warehouse space, and transport

<snip of S****** pie in the sky have no clue of an idea as usual
regarding this issue>