Thread: Soup from stock
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Default Soup from stock

In article >,
LurfysMa > wrote:

> On Sat, 05 Nov 2005 18:04:14 +1300, Daisy >
> wrote:
> >On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 07:05:54 -0800, LurfysMa >
> >wrote:
> >
> >>I have a couple more questions about chicken stock and chicken soup.
> >>
> >>1. About how many cups of soup can (should) be made from 1 cup of
> >>stock? The online recipes vary wildly, but it seems that a rough rule
> >>of thumb might be something like 1 cup of water for 1 cup of stock. Is
> >>that a reasonakle place to start and then adjust to taste and feel?
> >>
> >>2. What is the advantage of making the stock first and then making the
> >>soup as opposed to making the soup directly? One advantage is time and
> >>the ability to do them at different times. But if I have the time to
> >>do it all at once, is there any reason to do it in two steps?

> >
> >I've nearly always made chicken stock from scratch and frozen the
> >result, which is what is called strong stock. When I want to make
> >chicken soup using this stock, I work on about half a litre of stock
> >to about 1 litre of water. Taste it as you go.
> >
> >One thing though: if you make chicken stock yourself, don't add any
> >salt and pepper. And do remember to bring the chicken frame - or
> >carcass - to the boil and skim off all the gunge that arrives on top.
> >When the last of this scum is gone, then you add the vegetables and
> >herbs and slowly simmer for about 6 hours. (It really depends on
> >just how strong you want your stock.)
> >
> >I have a fabulous chicken stock recipe that I have used for a very
> >long time - would anyone like me to post it here?

> I would. Thanks

There are never too many good chicken stock recipes, seriously.
Please, do, post it!

Personally I rarely make it exactly the same way twice. I just have a
few basic flavorings I use every time, but I vary the herbals and the

Celery, onion, garlic, pepper, bay.

Other herbs are rosemary, thyme, sage, basil, dittany and mexican
oregano. I also may add lemon or orange peel, and possibly curry.

I've got chicken feet in the pressure cooker (again) right now in fact.

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