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Default Bulk beef stew for next weeks lunches

Wayne Boatwright wrote:


> Green
>>>beans in the garden can really get ahead of you unless you use them with
>>>imagination, freeze them or give them away.

>>Isn't that the truth. I canned them, froze them, gaven some away, made
>>dilly beans, and we ate them fresh as is, in soups, and in stews. And
>>the beans just kept comming. There are still a few stragglers out there
>>now. Green beans especially the pole varieties are very proliferic
>>little buggers!

> But they're sooo good! Especially fresh.

Oh they are wonderful. I prefer them fresh as well but don't mind
frozen or canned. I canned up a fair amount to save freezer space.
They certainly are an easy and rewarding crop to grow. Pole beans will
grow great in pots so are perfect for those living in apartments with
balconies or for those with little growing space.