Soup from stock
On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 11:13:53 -0800, LurfysMa >
>>I have a fabulous chicken stock recipe that I have used for a very
>>long time - would anyone like me to post it here?
>I would. Thanks
Here it is then:
2 chicken carcasses chopped up quite small
1 large carrot
2 sticks celery
1 bayleaf
2 sprigs thyme
handful of parsley
1 leek including green part
Put the chicken into a large stockpot (mine is about 13 inches high).
Add water to about an inch from the top.
Bring to the boil and skim off the scum until the liquid is clear.
Add the vegetables - all roughly chopped - except herbs.
When the stock begins to boil turn the heat down until the mixture is
only just bubbling - a small bubble in the middle is a good sign.
Leave to simmer like this for 8-10 hours.
Strain off the bones, any meat, and vegetables into a clean pot (or
pots!) and cool completely. I refrigerate mine overnight, having
begun this process before 9.00 a.m. Next morning scrape off all the
The stock is now ready to use (or freeze, or leave in the refrigerator
for up to 5 days).
You will notice there is no onion or garlic in the stock. I find the
leek gives enough mild flavour to the stock - and I might want to use
this stock for any number of dishes, so I don't add onion or garlic.
Carthage demands an explanation for this insolence!