Cigarettes and Alcohol Addiction
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> I'm glad to see I'm not alone... I tend to get bitchy with my nerves on
> the ragged edge every time I try to give it up. I'm a much nicer person
> if I allow myself to drink. ;-) Funny isn't it? The drug companies would
> probably love to sell me something for that.
> Cheers dear! <clink>
> I do not, however, drink and drive, nor do I drink before going to
> work...
I used to drink a 6 pack of Bud Ice on the way to work years ago.
It was a hundred miles one way. I thought I needed it.
Sometimes I'd get more beer right before I got to the job.
Then I'd drink all day discreetly as I worked. (at least I thought I was
discreet <G>)
I did this for many years. Then one day in a moment of clarity I
thought, "What if I have to get another job where this type of behavior
ain't permitted?"
So I quit drinking at work and on the way to work.
This led to quitting drinking on the way home as well.
Things accelerated and I quit drinking in the evenings as well.
Everybody was so proud of me. They didn't think I had it in me.
Then I moved to Florida and though I still don't drink in the morning
nor at work, I more than make up for it in the evenings.
It's ok, I'm a functional alcoholic.
I build multi-million dollar homes and if I didn't have something to
unwind I'd be working mentally 24 hours a day. I need the break.
Though sometimes I wake up at midnight due to dreams about work.
I ramble on,