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Jo Anne Slaven
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Default Cigarettes and Alcohol Addiction

On Sun, 6 Nov 2005 21:19:01 -0000, "Arnold" > wrote:

>Anyone managed to give up cigarettes and alcohol and never looked back?
>If so, I would be interested to know the techniques you used, coz I am
>struggling with 'will power'!

I guess I should delurk to reply to this, seeing as how I've got a lot
of experience with both substances.

I've always smoked, and I've always enjoyed a few (or more) drinks.
Sounds bad, but I'm 53 and semi-retired, financially comfortable, and
very happy in my marriage. In other words, I'm not living on the

My husband and I quit smoking just about 2 years ago. He did cold
turkey, and I used the patch. I was prepared to keep a patch on my arm
for the rest of my life if necessary, but after six months or so I
started to forget to put one on. I've done very well with the quitting
smoking thing - the only time I've been bad was one time on vacation.

DH hasn't smoked at all since quitting, as far as I know.

They say that when you stop smoking you should stop the activities
that you relate with smoking. Well, in my case, a big one is reading.
I used to be able to sit for hours and read a book, with my ashtray
and cup of coffee at my side. Now I can't read for much longer than 15
minutes at a time. This really sucks.

I heard someone who had quit smoking at age 30 say that they would
stay quit until they were 65 - at that time, they could probably go
back to smoking because they would have lived long enough. I can
relate to that. If certain influential people in my life (DH, my Dad)
are gone before I get to age 65, I can definitely see myself taking up
smoking again, just because I enjoyed it so much.