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Default Cigarettes and Alcohol Addiction

"Arnold" > wrote in message
> Anyone managed to give up cigarettes and alcohol and never looked
> back?
> If so, I would be interested to know the techniques you used, coz I am
> struggling with 'will power'!

I managed to give up cigarettes over 30 years ago (I smoked 40 a day)
and I am never

I remember the biggest thing was 'what to do with my hands' and the need
at certain time of the day to have something! ie after a meal etc

I bought packets of gum massagers (like toothpicks but the wood is soft
and medicated)

Every time I would normally have a cigarette I took one of these stick
and holding it and chewing it.

In those days we didn't have patches but I managed to stick it out and
now I hate the smell of smoke.

As for alcohol - well I like it and don't feel the need to stop drinking

Good luck with your stopping smoking.... it plays havoc with your

I would love to know how you get on
