Sauces for Whole Wheat Pasta
Louis Cohen wrote:
> I'm trying to shift my consumption toward whole grains. What kind of
> sauces would be best with whole wheat spaghetti or flat noodles
> (linguini, etc.)? What would best take advantage of the taste and
> texture of whole wheat pasta?
> Grazie
he "Rodale's Basic Naturl Foods Cookbook" recomends a whole wheat pasta
and the following sauces are given recipes for.
Basic tomato sauce
Tomatoe beef sauce
Alredo sauce
Blue cheese and almond sauce
Chicken liver and tomato sauce
Classic cream and egg sauce
Tangy cream and egg sauce
Fennel sauce
Fish sauce with lemon, parsely and tomato
Tomato, zucchini, pepper and fennel sauce
Marinara sauce
Pesto sauce
Red and green tomato sauce with yellow peppers
Red clam sauce
Ricotta nut sauce
Tuna sauce
Walnut cream sauce
White clam sauce
White fish sauce
Zucchini sauce