Thread: Crepes
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Default Crepes

Mi e' parso che Curly Sue abbia scritto:

You remind me of a pinch of history I learned the last week: the
"crepes", "crespelle" in italian, are worldwide famous as a
french recipe, and also lots of people here in Italy believe the
crepes come from France. As usual, the thruth is somewhere else:
they have very probably been "invented" during the 5th century
when a Pope (a black pope, I didn't even know we had one) ordered
a confiscation of eggs and flour to feed the pilgrims, who were
coming to Rome for a religiuos festival. The cooked product had
an uneven surface, so they got called "crispum" (irregular,
Then, the recipe spreaded to the rest of Italy, and it's only
after the 15th century that it crossed the Alps.

That said, this evening I'm definitely gonna make some "crispum
*** botulinus et formaticus" (sausage and cheese crepes)
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