Need ideas for meatloaf
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Peter Huebner
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Need ideas for meatloaf
In article >,
> What do you guys use? Am I just using way too few spices for the
> amount of meat?
> Stacia
That amount of beef, I'd add two eggs, a cup of breadcrumbs, about a
tbsp paprika, 1 tsp ground allspice, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 finely
chopped large onion, 1.5 tsp salt. knead and shape. I'd either cut thin
slices of bacon and lay them over the top, or cut 'bacon nails' and
spike them in to the meatloaf. Makes it self-basting. Bake it in a
covered roasting dish with maybe a couple of bay leaves as well. Medium
after baking, lift the meatloaf out of the pan, deglaze with boiling
water, add some capers, some bayleaf, a bit more ground allspice, whisk
in a paste made from sour cream and flour until the sauce has the right
consistency and smother the meatloaf with that on the plate.
Personally, I wouldn't allow ketchup near the table .. :-)
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