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Default Food-TV kitchens. Dammit.

Andy wrote:
> I've watched a lot of food-tv cooking shows. Most of them (not all)
> use island cooktop stoves combined with food prep areas.
> What I like about that design is that people can work at the island
> from all sides and not crowd each other. but it dawned on me (v-8
> headslap) that you'd need one hellova huge kitchen space to have
> that. More specifically a more "square-ish" space so people traffic
> around the island isn't "single-file".
> Food-TV-Reality sucks, sometimes!
> Andy
> Who'd be a much better cook in a food-tv kitchen.

You mean like this?

The fridge, dishwasher and sink are on the left side (out of the shot). The
prep-island in the middle has drawers and cabinets for storing cookware.
(Personally, I'd hang a rack for some pots over the prep island, but it's
okay the way it is.) The stove, oven and microwave are on the right. You
can walk around all day and not bump into someone who is working.

This is the kitchen in my parents' home.
