Sauces for Whole Wheat Pasta
Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
> Louis Cohen wrote:
>>I'm trying to shift my consumption toward whole grains. What kind of
>>sauces would be best with whole wheat spaghetti or flat noodles
>>(linguini, etc.)? What would best take advantage of the taste and
>>texture of whole wheat pasta?
> he "Rodale's Basic Naturl Foods Cookbook" recomends a whole wheat pasta
> and the following sauces are given recipes for.
> Basic tomato sauce
> Tomatoe beef sauce
> Alredo sauce
> Blue cheese and almond sauce
> Chicken liver and tomato sauce
> Classic cream and egg sauce
> Tangy cream and egg sauce
> Fennel sauce
> Fish sauce with lemon, parsely and tomato
> Tomato, zucchini, pepper and fennel sauce
> Marinara sauce
> Pesto sauce
> Red and green tomato sauce with yellow peppers
> Red clam sauce
> Ricotta nut sauce
> Tuna sauce
> Walnut cream sauce
> White clam sauce
> White fish sauce
> Zucchini sauce
> ---
> JL
You could eat it with any kind of pasta sauce, but I'm looking for ways
to make the most of the whole wheat flavor and texture. Most of these,
I think, would be better on regular pasta.
================================================== =============
Louis Cohen
"Yes, yes, I will desalinate you, you grande morue!"
Émile Zola, Assommoir 1877