Mud Tea, and Smoke and Mirrors [was: Buyer Beware]
> Mud Tea: an idea whose time is long overdue. Very rare, it is. Produced by
> wasps of a certain type known to frequent tea plantations at flowering time.
> Why didn't I think of that before? Since I'm the first to have thought of
> it, I claim all rights. I'll be charging a fee for any references, so I
> suggest that you do NOT respond to this post, lest you incur debt.
Damn, now you are starting to sound like Jim. Just because he once
mentioned a common metaphor he thinks he has a copyright on it.
Rosetta, rosetta, rosetta.....
> Jim and all, the whole universe with everything therein, truth and lies
> together, is done with smoke and mirrors, so let's just sit back and enjoy
> the passing parade.
I have always offered that I will leave him alone if he will just leave
me alone. I have offered an olive branch on multiple occasions, he has
always chose to ignore it.