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Dave Smith
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Default Braising + pork chops = shoe leather (Dinner last night)

Karen MacInerney wrote:

> Last night, out of sheer laziness, I used a recipe of James Beard's
> that involved browning thick pork loin chops, then braising them in
> broth with some sliced onions for an hour. I've done it before with
> rather dry and jaw-exhausting results. Yesterday was no different:
> great flavor, dry and leathery texture.
> I've read that pork these days is less fatty than it used to be, and
> suspect that might be the culprit. I've considered larding them with
> bacon, but I think that would affect the flavor (not to mention my
> cholesterol count).
> Anyone have a braising tip they'd like to share? (Other than shooting
> the chops up with lard, that is.)

I have never been terribly impressed with braised pork chops. The best
sort of braised pork chops that I have done was chops stuffed with pitted
prunes. It works well as a dinner for one or two but can be easily
adapted for more. Get nice thick chops and slice a pocket. Insert two
pitted prunes. Season the chops with salt and pepper then brown them.
Toss in small potatoes, onion and chopped carrots and add some apple
juice. Slap a top on the pan and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.