Thread: Parsley roots
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Margaret Suran
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Default Parsley roots

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> (Victor Sack) wrote:
> wrote:
>>>I seem to remember that when I was a kid growing up in NYC (40 years
>>>ago) they were a standard component of "soup greens." My mother and mt
>>>Aunt Gracie ALWAYS used them when making hcicken soup. I dont remember
>>>them being used for anything else. This was in the MYC Jewish
>>>community, so YMMV. Forty years later in Chicago I can still find them
>>>occasionally, but not regularly, and I dont think I ever see already
>>>bundled "soup greens."

>>They are still a part of "soup greens" here in Germany, though sometimes
>>they are replaced by celery roots.

> OK, Bubba dahling, 'splain me what parsley and celery roots look like.
> Why would someone want both parsley root and parsnip in soup - are they
> not the same taste? I like celery tops in my soup; what's the celery
> root taste like? (Celery, I know.) :-P

Celery root tastes like parsley root, only more so. I use both in
soup. Erich loved to eat both in chicken soup, just as he would
carrots, when they were done. Now I throw them away when the broth is
finished. I have never been able to figure out whether parsnip and
parsley root are the same. They sure look, taste and act as if they were.

Next time you come here, I will take you to a restaurant that serves
Celery Root Salad. It is delicious. Or buy some at Citarella's, but
they do not have it every day. I once made the one from Bubba's
recipe and my guests thought it was delicious. You need a Moulinex or
whatever these graters are called, but I only have the four-sided hand
grater and used the side on which I grate potatoes for latkes.