Need meat cut I.D. again, please
"Sheldon" > wrote in message
>> Thanks, Sheldon. Having seen the cut, it's obvious those were steaks.
>> Tri-tip is an unfamiliar cut here. Those steaks looked well-marbled - I
>> hope Sam's has them the next time I shop there, since I've not seen them
>> there before.
> When you see them get what you can consume in a day or two but do not
> stock up your freezer with tri-tip, freezing ruins this cut. Tri-tip
> is wonderful grilled med-rare and is excellent eaten the next day
> sliced thin in a sandwich or cold salad.
> Sheldon
Then, if they keep carrying them, I'll buy them only when I'm having a
get-together. The packs were large and crammed full of the small steaks.
Otherwise, with just two of us I'd be forced to freeze the excess. I
appreciate your guidance.