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Joseph LIttleshoes
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Default Need ideas for meatloaf

> Dave W. wrote:
> >
> > This thread got me to wondering what it would be like with some
> > anchovies (or perhaps anchovy paste) mixed in. Awful? Interesting?
> > Awfully interesting?
> >
> > Just wondering ...
> >
> > Dave W. in the Ozarks

I make a stuffed bell pepper, with a bread stuffing flavoured with
mashed anchovy and like to use mashed anchovy with ground chicken for a
chicken loaf, i have not done so with beef or pork. But i like using
salt packed (as opposed to olive oil) anchovy's, try a bit in some
mashed potaotes, just a bit, you almost don't want to know its there,
but in my opinion just the right amount will 'round out' the flavour of
the potatoes, give it a fuller body and taste.

One time i was mashing potatoes with a fork and used it to pick up and
taste some flaked seasoned salmon i was going to use for another dish
and the combination of salmon and mashed potato was so good i have
adapted the concept to my regular cooking of mashed potatoes, but i have
written before how much i like the combination of fish or other seafood
cakes, crab cakes for example made with mashed potatoes rather than
bread crumbs or 'crackers'.

I have not attempted it yet but a local resturand coats a fish cake in
raw 'matchstick' potates and deep fries it to perfection. It comes out
all golden crispy on the outside and creamy rich on the inside.