Thread: Buyer Beware
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Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin'

Space Perv wrote:
> I deleted your targeted usenet posts
> intended for adults only

Yea, I would attempt to cover my tracks too if I did something that

> You are not allowed to post any URLS
> not specifically related to tea ...

We've been through this before Jim, who died and made you a Usenet
Moderator? You have no right to tell anybody what they are or are not
*allowed* to do. You tried to tell me that about *ALL* urls once,
saying that NO urls were *allowed* here, then you hypocritically
started posting them yourself. Why just today you posted a non-tea URL,
so I guess your rules only apply to others, not yourself.

> This is a prime example of improper use of URLs in Usenet.

Actually I somewhat agree with you here, but would instead say that
this whole attack was improper. Actually I expected to be chastised by
the group for it because I was rather mean-spirited, but I suspect that
most will also agree that you deserve whatever you get. You just
don't seem to get the message any other way.

> I just
> added Puritanical to your expanding list of P alliterations
> Plagiarizer,Proselytizer,PeepingTomPervert,Phony,P revaricator,Poltroon.

You're just mad because you are on the defensive for a change and you
cant weasel your way out it. Your *substantiated* P word remains, even
if you did cover your tracks.