Whats wrong with FoodTV?
Dave Smith wrote:
> I don't often watch America's test kitchens, but I have enjoyed the
> episodes that I have seen. It tends to be more about cooking and
> particular dishes that about some wannabe celebrity cook's performance.
> It would be nice to see some shows with more cultural diversity, (oh shit
> I am starting to sound PC). It would be nice to learn how to do dishes
> from various ethnic groups without having to deal with fusion.
Food TV used to run Melting Pot, a program full of cultural diversity and
quite often terrific recipes. Not "white bread" enough for some viewers,
America's Test Kitchen is usually about technique and the "best" way to
prepare a certain dish. Some of the experiments are very successful, others
less so. I pick and choose.
"Home, James, and don't spare the horses!"