Whats wrong with FoodTV?
Nancy1 wrote:
> elaine wrote:
>>"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>>>>I have been meaning to say this for quite some time now. It is sad to
>>>>see the new chefs on FoodTV, they are all doing the same recipes, the
>>>>same way! Its so boring. And everyone's using heavy cream, butter and
>>>>tons of sugar.
>>>>I dont know where to go for innovative recipes on TV!
>>>I have been debating cancelling the package on my satellite that includes
>>>Food TV (Canada). That station is the only reason for the package, and I
>>>have not been impressed with the offerings on that station. Half the time
>>>that I think of watching it they have Iron Chef, which I always
>>>considered to be more of a comedy, along the lines of the old Woody Allen
>>>movie "What's Up Tiger Lily".
>>Well, I probably won't cancel but I've been really disappointed lately
>>because I used to enjoy watching Christine Cushing - not only have the
>>changed the time of her show, but she's all dolled up, has strange eye
>>makeup and new hair 'do'. Damn, just not the same.
>>And every time I turn to watch Food TV, Emeril is on - I'm not crazy about
>>him - way too phoney. And I don't like the baking stuff.
>>Hey, perhaps I should cancel!
> Too much Emeril, too much Rachel....that's it in a nutshell. I'm also
> really, really tired of Mark Summer and his "unwrapped," and especially
> his hesitant way of speaking which I guess is
> for emphasis. It is SO annoying.
> N.
I don't mind Mark and I do enjoy Unwrapped <shrug> I think a lot of
posters here at least expect the foodtv network to focus only on cooking
and nothing eles but it is called foodtv not cooktv. For that reason
they do have shows that don't focus on cooking but rather on how food is
made, processed, tidbits about food origins, eating in restaurants,
running restaurants, entertaining, etc. I like that element myself. I
find that if I don't care for a show it is easier and more productive to
*change the channel* rather than complain about it. What I would like to
see on foodtv is a show similar to The Shopping Bag on Wnetwork that
compares 4 brands of an item to see which one does as promised or is the