Whats wrong with FoodTV?
Nancy Young wrote:
> "~patches~" > wrote
>>I don't mind Mark and I do enjoy Unwrapped <shrug> I think a lot of
>>posters here at least expect the foodtv network to focus only on cooking
>>and nothing eles but it is called foodtv not cooktv.
> I don't think I've ever seen anyone say anything like that.
It's not that it is said directly more overtly implied that foodtv
should be about cooking only.
>> For that reason they do have shows that don't focus on cooking but rather
>>on how food is made, processed, tidbits about food origins, eating in
>>restaurants, running restaurants, entertaining, etc. I like that element
>>myself. I find that if I don't care for a show it is easier and more
>>productive to *change the channel* rather than complain about it.
> If we wanted to change the channel, we do. Sometimes we'd like to
> turn it on and see something besides the 10 millionth demonstration of
> a chocolate coater.
It's really only one or possibly two shows that show this kind of thing
and not on every show either so I don't see the problem. Just because
you've seen it doesn't mean someone just tuning in has seen it. I think
it is rather interesting to see how foods are packaged even though I
don't buy that kind of thing. Anyway the way some carry on over certain
shows or certain hosts certainly gives the impression that turning the
channel is not an option. Really, I find it boring to hear the bitching
and complaining compared to watching the actual show. Oh well, that's
what filters are for.
>>What I would like to see on foodtv is a show similar to The Shopping Bag
>>on Wnetwork that compares 4 brands of an item to see which one does as
>>promised or is the best.
> Watch America's Test Kitchen, they do that.
I'll have to see if we get it. We have Bell satellite so am not sure.
I'd like to see it for myself if possible.
> nancy