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Joseph LIttleshoes
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Default Ancient Greek Food


> Hey everyone. I've got a class project coming up involving ancient
> Greece, and my team's been assigned the banquet. Does anyone know any
> recipes or resources for Greek food from the days of yore (we're
> talking Socrates/Plato days of yore)? I've been able to find stuffed
> grape leaves, melon salads, and goat & feta cheese, but my list ends
> there. Thanks!
> -Sheehan

Do a google search on roman+fish+sauce the same or similar sauce was
used by the ancient greeks, i just cant recall what the romans called it
(garum?), aslo look for resinated wine.

Just out of curiousity i googled ancinet+greek+recipes and got over
2,000,000 'hits' one of which is
