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Default Deer Pic & Fresh Pickerel Dinner

Kathy in NZ wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 20:11:03 -0500, ~patches~
> > wrote:
>>DH got home around dinner time along with the deer to show me then take
>>to the abbatoir. The venison will be ready to pick up likely tomorrow
>>evening. We are going to tan the hide as well so will be getting the
>>hide back from the abbatoir. He also brought fresh pickerel! Here's a
>>pic of their catches. I'll post the venison goodies as I make them.
>>the deer -
>>We had the fresh pickerel for a simple dinner of fish with oven baked
>>potatoes. DH cooked it the way they cooked it at the hunt camp. As
>>always this is one very nice fish!
>>fresh catch -
>>dinner -
>>And for your viewing pleasure, here is a pic right outside the door of
>>the hunt cabin.

> Unlike some who replied, I'd like to say keep posting those pics,
> Patches. As you say, people don't have to download the links. I like
> the idea of pics.
> Now, on to your posting.....

I didn't kill bambi, the guys did. Unlike some hunters, we will use the
meat for food. A surprising number of hunters go for the thrill of
the kill only

> Why is the deer cut down the back? I would have thought it would be
> cut down the front to remove the entrails, but why the back?

It is cut down the front not the back. The entrails were removed at the
hunt camp.
> The fish.... great
> The meal? Where are your greens? Those things on the sour cream don't
> count. Eat your greens Patches.

I usually do. Last night was just a simple meal because neither of us
were very hungry but DH just had to have that fish.
> The view from the hunt cabin is awe inspiring, very beautiful.
> You keep posting your pics, Patches. Don't let detractors put you off.

Thanks Kathy
> Kathy in NZ