"EastneyEnder" > wrote in message
> Dimitri wrote:
>> Go here for a list of ingredients available in Ancient Greece.
>> http://www.foodtimeline.org/
> Dimitri, is it just me, I can't seem to find Ancient Greece listed on this
> page?
> Sue
> Portsmouth, UK
Greece 1200 - 300 B.C
Politics and Society Thought and Culture
1400-1150 Mycenëan Age
1185 Traditional date of Trojan War
1200-800 Dark Age
1200 Dorian invasion/Mycenëan destruction
1130 Iron into general use for weapons and tools
1100 Greeks begin colonization on Ionian coast
750-594 Aristocratic Age
776 First Olympic Games
750 Greek colonies in Italy Music developed/Oriental influence on
Stone architecture
Hesiod flourishes
Human figures - pottery main subject
683 Republican rule by aristocrats in Athens
650 Large free-standing sculpture evolves
600 Use of coined money Black attic style in pottery
Lyric poetry - Sappho and Alcëus
580 Philosophy and science begin with Thales
and Anaximander
561-507 Age of Athenian Tyrants
561 Tyrant Pelisistratus seizes power,succeeded by his sons
550 Doric architecture standardized; Ionic
influences appear
534 Thespis, founder of Greek tragedy,
victor at
Athenian drama festival
520 Persian domination of Ionia Red-figured style in pottery developed
520 Philosopher Xenophanes at peak
507 Athenian democracy restored and broadened by Cleisthenes
500 Heraclitus teaches Ephesus in Asia Minor
499-479 Conflict with Persia
490 Persian Wars
Persians repelled at the Battle of Marathon
484 Aeschylus - drama prize
480 Acropolis destroyed by Persians
479 Persia defeated
478-445 Rise of Athenean Empire
478 Athens leads in forming Delian League of Greek States
472 Aeschylus- The Persians
468 Sophocles introduces more than 2 actors
in tragic play/wins contest over
Aeschylus- 7 Against Thebes
462 Pericles brings democratic reforms to Athens
460 Hippocrates born
459 Rivalry between Athens and Sparta increases
456 Temple for Zeus at Olympia completed
455 Euripides' first tragedy
451 Athenean citizenship restricted/pay for jurors
448 Athenean empire firmly established Parthenon begun
446 Pindar's odes
445 30 years peace between Athens and Sparta declared
441 Sophocles' Antigone
437 The Propylëa-Acropolis gateway-begun
431-404 Peloponnesian War
431 Peloponnesian war between Athens
and Sparta breaks out Euripides' Medea
429 Pericles dies
427 Sophocles' Oedipus Rex
424 Thucydides - Greek historian
423 Aristophanes' The Clouds
415 Euripides' Trojan Women
414 Aristophanes comedy - The Birds
413 Euripides' Electra
411 Aristophanes' Lysistrata
405 Aristophanes' The Frogs
404 Athens surrenders to Sparta
404-371 Supremacy of Sparta
401 Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus
399 Socrates, tried and condemned, drinks
385 Plato begins teaching at Athens
382 Sparta seizes citadel of Thebes
379 Sparta expelled from Thebes
378 Spartan-Thebean alliance
371 Sparta defeated by Thebes
359-323 Rise of Macedonian Empire
359 Philip II - Macedonian throne
343 Aristotle tutor to Alexander
338 Philip defeats Athens - supreme power in Greece
336 Philip assassinated/Alexander succeeds
335 Alexander razes Thebes - extends rule Aristotle founds school in Athens
331 Alexander smashes Persia
330 Alexander moves further into Asia Statues of Æschylus, Euripides, and
Sophocles erected in Theatre of Dionysus
in Athens
323 Alexander dies in Babylon; successors begin to carve up his empire