"Mike Petro" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Welcome,what part of Italy are you from? What kind of tea do you like?
> Mike Petro
> http://www.pu-erh.net
I'm from Abruzzo, if you find Castilenti on a map server you will find my
home. It's a small rural village in the hills between the adriatic sea and
the "Gran Sasso" mountain, if you are too lazy (as i am sometime

remember where Rome is located, well i'm exactly opposite Rome, on the east
coast of Italy.
Since a few time ago, when i discovered it would be better to me not to
drink coffe anymore, i begun to discover the world of teas. My first one was
a Twinings gunpowder" from the local superstore. Then i begun to search
through the net (since on my surroundings the is no "chinatown" or teashops
i must relay on online shops) for more quality and choice (postal fees and
expedition time in the Euro areas are the same, so i can order from abroad
whitout problems).
I currently have green teas from "Il signore del te" and "Mariare Freres"
(french) and a few week ago arrived my long awaited parcel from Jing shop
with a wide samples of oolongs, blacks and puerh ( you pages on this subject
are impressive not to mention you own collection
Usually i drink a yunnan gold in the morning, a green teas at work and
puerh or oolong in the evening.
My hard disk have moved to another level of existence, "pace all'anima sua"
or rest in peace as you would say

, so since i'm a bit tired from work
(some would say lazy

i'll post the different kind when i can "cut and
copy" .... i hope my data would recoverable !!.
"pilo_" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> In article >,
> > And welcome! What are you drinking these days? Apart from that
> wonderful Italian wine, I mean? 
> pilo.
For the wine, this year will be a year to remember for the italian wine, so
say the expert and so can I. This very day, San Martino's day, it's the day
when traditionally people fist taste the new wine (and eat chestnuts), and i
too this evening first drinked my wine (like many others i work at office
but own a small vineyard) and it's a very good one.
Giovanni Vanni