On-line Chat with HeartDoc (11/17/05)
pinecone wrote:
> Marengo,
> I have to side with Chung--he belongs to a religion that
> wearing one's religion on one's sleeve, so to speak. He
would not be
> true to his faith if he did not prosyletize to everyone he
comes into
> contact with. Although I find born-agains tiresome, I've
> their faith and understand that this is a key
> evangelizing.
There is a passage in the bible, and I can't remember where
right now, that says to move on when you are unwelcome. It
also says to preach to the world, not sit in your chair
preaching the word to the same people over and over again.
Chung is not interested in going out to the world.
Christians are also supposed to let the light shine from
them, nothing shines from Chung. You can't be a good example
if no one wants to be near you. My Christian friends glow.